Tuesday, August 19, 2003

In the republic of the visually challenged, the partially sighted person is president. I have had to update this phrase, it use to read; "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is King." This was a lot more succinct but not very politically correct. Yet the meaning is as apposite as ever. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Powerful people rarely turn out to be any wiser, saner or more sensible than the rest of us. Now let's look at my power. Am I being truly fair? In attempting to defend myself, from a perceived threat, might I actually be creating an even bigger menace or potential problem? Perhaps I either need to understand much more - or to ignore much more!

Some people believe that attack is the best form of defence. The same sort of people tend to think that if you spare the rod, you will spoil the child - or that immigrants are aliens and enemies who sap the resources of the state and undermine the fabric of society. People with such aggressive prejudices are to be pitied. But deep down, within us all, no matter how wise, kind, intelligent and tolerant we may be, there's an angry bigot waiting for a chance to justify ignorant behaviour. Don't get me wrong I am not implying that I now might intensely dislike something or someone... The opprobrium I feel here seem like as if it is robbing me of my most precious possession; perspective.

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