Thursday, April 24, 2003

We live in an instant, just-add-water, push-a-button, microwaveable-in-under-three-minutes, zap-the-remote-control-and-see-the-war-before-your-very-eyes kind of a world. Not everything about it is good. Too often, we lose our appreciation for essential natural processes that need to happen slowly. We look for ways to hurry them just as we look for ways to depersonalise the injustices that we can see yet seemingly cannot influence. We end up feeling remote. And we end up looking desperately for something to put us right back in touch with the nicest part of reality.
Some people are now staring at their TV screens all day, watching the rolling news in a mesmerised daze. Others are getting the merest occasional glimpse of the war or shall we call it PWN ( Post War News). They notice a headline as they stroll past a news stand or catch a few words of the six o'clock bulletin. Who can say which group is better informed? The propagandists are showing us only what they want us to see. Even if it is not what we want to see at all. I guess it is up to us not to let others to warp our view of key situations and not get blinded by science. I suppose my granma is right when she says: "Ask your heart what it sees. And trust that."

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

This weekend I decided to retire...retire from this unfair and brutal game of give and take...perhaps retire to a little house on the priory with white fences and a cat who hasn't got a name! Perhaps I would sit on the porch on my rocking chair with the cat and stare at the lily path...! Perhaps I will take up knitting too...but who would I knit for...Perhaps I will make little outfits for the cat!...and perhaps the children from the village will come up to watch the old lady with the cat...Perhaps they will come and play in the yard and I sit there on the porch...on my rocking chair with the cat and watch them play...perhaps I will make them cookies! But then that would mean that I have to take my eyes of the path!
Perhaps a little bird will take refuge in the kitchen and becomes friend with the addition to our little family! Perhaps I never close my eyes...just in case I miss what goes on the lily path...Perhaps spring blooms come and go...Perhaps the summer warm wind blows...Perhaps the leaves fall as the autumn comes...Perhaps the snow falls and I watch the lily path covered with white crisp snow...closing my eyes...hoping for spring blooms again...year after year!