Saturday, May 31, 2003

People have a love/hate relationship with change. Some claim to want it, but resist it when it actually arrives. Others insist they are happy with everything just as it is. Secretly though, they are always planning revolutions. Change is rather like beer or blue cheese. More often than not, we must learn to like it. It grows on us slowly. Yet after a while, we develop an addiction. A return to the old way seems unthinkable. We just want more and more of the new. Bearing all this in mind, we can look at the dramas and disappointments that unfolds around us. To answer the question, "Is there a problem?"...perhaps the best fit answer would be "Only if you think there is! Only if you can't see round the next corner to the corner beyond."... The journey we embark can be the one we will never regret making! or the complete opposite...but i guess life is all about taking risks after all!
Some people insist that the word "impossible" is not in their dictionary. It IS in mine but the definition is a little different. Most people use this word to describe the reason why something cannot be done. To me, it describes the reason why other people think something cannot be done! I suppose there are many reasons why I might decide not to do something, I may conclude that a task is likely to prove unrewarding. Or dull. Or too time-consuming. But I suppose the art is not to be put off by a small matter like impossibility and it is important to make sure, that I keep my standards nice and high!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Lots of people seem to think that we are each on this earth to learn a lesson. Even i say that sometimes just to make myself feel better after disappointments...But if that's the case, where's the blackboard? And the timetable? And ought there not to be exams every so often? Maybe the lesson is that there is no lesson to learn! Maybe the point is that there is no point! Maybe we are here, not to achieve or understand anything, but simply to appreciate and enjoy the magic of it all. And maybe all we need to learn is how to be happy even when we are not quite getting what we think we want.

Is life really offering us a gift which we must learn to try and accept it gracefully? If so....can I choose my gift paper!?

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

it's funny how certain scenarios crop up time and time again. No matter where we go or what we do, we find ourselves experiencing the same old needs. We get hungry for food, love or excitement. We require reassurance about money, love or health. We grow desperate for sleep, love or support. Some items crop up on every list! Will there ever come a day when we can satisfy every need? Of course not! But a day when our heart feels so full that it simply has no room in it for stress? Maybe.......just maybe!

Monday, May 26, 2003

You can't put a price on a daydream. But to give you some idea of comparative value, consider this. Hollywood blockbusters can easily cost more than 100 million dollars to make. They last only a couple of hours and just cannot compete with the images you can conjure in your mind’s eye at any time. A personal vision can provide a lifetime of entertainment and distraction. It can be endlessly reshot and re-edited. It never grows old. Why be in such a hurry to get "back down to earth?"...My big idea is precious to me and, to me and indeed only to me it has a lot more resonance with reality than one might think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People often speak about going "on a journey of self-discovery." They make it sound like a trip to the shops. "Oh, I am just setting out on a personal quest... save me some supper if I'm late back ." In reality, such expeditions last forever. The "self" is not some finite thing that you can explore like a building. The more you learn about who you really are, the more you realise how much more there is to discover. So it would be silly to think or imagine or even assume that soon I will complete an investigation no matter how close I am in taking a significant step into territory I have never encountered before. Could it be that a revelation awaits? But isn't that true about every day in life...and every step we take to go to the next day?

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Is everything predestined? Are we playing out parts that were written long ago? Or do we have choice? Can our actions influence the way things turn out? Well, that's a long debate. Some time, when you and I both have a decade to spare, perhaps we can give it the concentration and discussion it deserves. Meanwhile, I don't think I would go far wrong this weekend if I work on the following principle; Whilst the future of some things may hang in the balance – and some destinies may well be subject to change – the outcome of my highest priority project now, should perhaps be a forgone conclusion... in my favour?! ....I bloody hope so!