Tuesday, September 09, 2003

When people talk about smart scientists, they normally mention Einstein. He was indeed a clever cookie, by saying things like:
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them

So too, was a chap called Werner Heisenburg. He is most famous for his Uncertainty Principle. He found that the outcome of any experiment will always be influenced by the presence of an observer, no matter how impartial or uninvolved that witness tries to be. As in physics, so in life. Apparently we influence things and people just by looking at them so pehaps we shouldn't underestimate the impact we have on certain things. But so if these people were all right in theories about life and physics...and if Einstein was right about Gravitation not being responsible for people falling in love...then so...tell me...what is?

Monday, September 08, 2003

There's a problem with trying to read a map in a moving vehicle. By the time you have worked out where you are in relation to where you want to go, you are somewhere else! But then you have to begin the whole process all over again. And, of course, it is going to have the same outcome. We encounter the same difficulty whenever we try to chart a course through life. Circumstances never stand still. By the time we have worked out what's really going on in our world, it is no longer happening in quite the same way. How, then, can we be sure of making the right choices? Do we go by our heart? Or by the book?