Friday, August 01, 2003

Isn't hindsight wonderful? It lets us see all sorts of things that we shouldn't have done, but did do. And do we ever learn from it? No, not really; we just go on and make the same mistakes all over again in the hope that it might turn out better next time. The key word there is 'hope'. That is what makes us human, and it is what drives us to do things which are supposedly outside our capabilities and experience, but which somehow surprise us by turning out well. I suppose what I am trying to get to is that...maybe I shouldn't let the recent setbacks stop me from hoping...because after all 'hope' is all I have got!

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Can we really hold the feelings we don't want to end?
I am not making any plans anymore...plans are overrated...they change!
Could it be possible that some of us have magical powers? Might we have been blessed, at birth, with gifts so rare and special as to baffle the world of conventional science?
Well I think I would have noticed by now?
Perhaps not. Faced with some inexplicable phenomenon, most people either ignore it completely or put it down to coincidence. We may well be exceptionally psychic without realising it. We may even be able to 'cause things to happen' with the sheer force of our will. Or maybe it is just my imagination....

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I got this on my Yahoo offline message box today...
"If you love someone, put their name in a circle, not a heart because a heart can be broken...but a circle goes on forever", ... I thought it was meanigful ... the message also said "Send this to everyone on your list, and in 15min your true love will send you a message"....ha....only if everything was that simple I thought to myself!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

We all have our plans for world domination. Our secret dreams of power and influence. We contemplate the things that we would do, if only we had enough money or opportunity and time. Normally, these grand visions involve a great deal of activity. Energy must be expended. Effort must be made. Yet sometimes, we feel we can achieve far more by sitting still, than we can running a hundred miles. Perhaps we can learn much more from listening than we can from talking, and maybe we can achieve far more from doing the right kind of nothing, than we can through doing the wrong kind of something!!

Monday, July 28, 2003

I was looking at some old messages...and 'Gooya Bahar Amad' ( Sounds like spring is here!) from Leili cut my is dated 9th of June...I closed my eyes and tried to remember the feeling of those few weeks...It sure did seem like spring...warm and beautiful but also breezy...I guess my life skipped the rest of the spring and summer...cuz this surely feels like Autumn...!

Once words were goodbyes were said...could it be, that is because it is not goodbye and is marely just 'see you later'...ha...too optimistic...a silence goodbye I would have thought so!