Thursday, October 16, 2003

The weather is amazing for October... I took a walk in Hyde Park yesterday...I guess it was good to have sometime to myself...I felt afresh afterwards. But I am back where I was again...perhaps even in a less entertaining place...You may have heard the recent news that the universe is now flat. And you might have wondered what on earth that meant, seeing as it's quite clearly not the case. Actually 'flat' is shorthand for saying that if you set off in a straight line you'll keep going instead of ending up where you started. But I am still confused about that...

The course of domestic affairs seems to be coloured by misunderstandings, misplaced idealism and imaginary problems. I Don't normally take confusing mishaps too seriously, because I know I would never find my way out of a tangle if I let it bother me...but sometimes even I get distracted from the straight line and just want to take a break on the side for one I really want to sit down there and have myself a good cry...!

Monday, October 13, 2003

Actions may well speak louder than words. But if they are not accompanied by some form of verbal explanation, they are likely to be misunderstood. It is not just, 'good to talk' it is essential. Yet, if all we do is talk, we won't get very much done. Perhaps, a balance needs to be struck. Plan cleverly and communicate clearly as they say. Fair enough, but isn't it true that, in the end, nothing is ever quite so persuasive as a definitive gesture?!

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Empty is the sky before the sun wakes up.
Empty is the eyes of animals in cages.
Empty, faces of women mourning
When everything's been taken from them.
Me, don't ask me about empty.

Empty is a string of dirty days
Held together by some rain.
And the cold winds drumming at the trees again.
Empty is the color of the fear
Long about September when the days
Go marching in a line toward November.
Empty is the hour before sleep chills you every night
And pushes you to take me away from every kind of light.
Empty is me. Empty is me.

Frank Sinatra