Saturday, October 11, 2003

I got this as the response to the post on Thursday 2nd of October, thought it is interesting for you to read it too;

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Taylor
Sent: 10 October 2003 15:50
To: Nikoo
Subject: Re: Hello

Oh! I can see the problem. Tell your Mum that there are a lot of really good guys out there without a qualification to there name, but full of fire and ambition and passion, who would make ideal husbands/partners; and there are a lot of guys with PhDs who cannot live in the real world. That a marriage is made of complementary and compatible emotional and intellectual states, with a huge dose of really good friendship and a lot of patience and understanding.

These qualities are not determined by the apparent show of 'intelligence' determined by being able to say 'Ive got a PhD'.

You can tell her I said so. :p


>>> “Nikoo” 10/10/2003 12:44:31 >>>

No she doesn't want me to get a PhD...well she does kind of...but the
whole argument is about the guy I am going to marry (if ever)...which
according to her must have a PhD +....!!! :(


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Taylor
Sent: 10 October 2003 11:50
To: Nikoo
Subject: Re: Hello

Hi Missy.

Hope you are keeping well otherwise. Been to anymore European
cities/other travels? And how's the MBA? Is this what your Mum is
nagging about? Or does she want you to do even more PhD?


Thursday, October 09, 2003

Is there no sense of ceremony left in the world? Are we all now inured to drama by the TV and the Internet? It often seems, as if we live in a 'so what?' society. There just isn't as much magic around as there used to be. Or perhaps there is and, it's just that we have to look for it a little harder. No great opportunity is about to bow down before us and offer to make itself our slave.. ya maybe....and perhaps if we tend to saddle-up our horse and ride out through the ranch of possibility, we may yet manage to lasso one quietly and bring it home behind us....ya right....certainly NOT...

Have you ever cut yourself realising that you are living one big dream and it is as if you are suddenly woken up and realised that nice feeling you had is just momentarily and would never be real...!? But you really try to go back to that state and carry on with that dream because that feels better than the reality that you have to face with?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I was going to write about this couple I met last me it would have been interesting...but I have this daunting flu which doesn't go away and quite frankly I have lost the plot and can't remember what was so interesting about them that I was planning to write excuse me as I blab along among a series of coughs and sneezes....and huffs and puffs as they say…!!!

I was reviewing a conversation I had with a friend yesterday, as I drove home, I thought to myself some of us chase challenges. Others queue up to watch horror films or to ride roller coasters. They seek the thrill of fear, the excitement of stress or the engagement of being up against an intense difficulty. It's a shame really, that I can't 'rent out' my current situation. Someone, somewhere, would probably love to be in it, if only for the sense of 'edge' that it supplies. No seriously...I am not complaining...don't get me wrong...just wondering when I get to relax...when would the tension resolve itself ? ....soon I hope.