Thursday, May 15, 2003

Happiness and sadness are two sides of one coin. Their relationship is as intricate and inseparable as the bond between day and night. To declare a preference for one over the other is to imply that you cannot see the hidden link. Does that mean that we must experience both in equal measures?
......Of course not. Those who love the night soon find a way to sleep throughout the day.

I guess what we need to remember is that "to desire anything too intensely brings potential for disappointment!".

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Life is not a dress rehearsal. But then again, nor is it a play. We cannot expect anyone to write our lines for us. Nor should we imagine that every situation follows a pre-defined plot. And we ought to be particularly careful about taking on a role!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Shall we have an open discussion on this? I don't even know how to set that up on my blog....but if you have comments on 'Is a hand just a hand?' u can email me on

I promise to post the I will the conversation I had with a friend of mine tonight on this subject!!
Is a hand just a hand?
oh yes...I meant to say how my exam went today....god....I seemed to have a mental block as soon as I looked at the questions...I bluffed my way through corporate strategy...But the funny thing is soon as I got in the car...I kept remembering the right answers....What? Couldn't this come to my head half an hour ealier!!!? I guess such is life!!! Yet again.....
It's a funny old thing really. We pride ourselves on our intellect yet there are millions of things our brains can never comprehend. Try, wrapping your mind around the concept of infinity......Or eternity! We can use those words but we cannot grasp their meaning. When we sit down to imagine a universe that goes on forever and ever, we just start to boggle. Likewise, when we think about time that has no beginning and no end. So, if we cannot understand such fundamental factors - basic building blocks of existence itself - how can we expect to understand anything else?
I guess sometimes our heart is talking much more sense than our heads!!! Don't u agree?

Monday, May 12, 2003

Why is it that when there's an awkward topic of conversation, people will often avoid it? They will decide not to mention a particular problem. They will step politely around the edges of a conflict or disagreement. That's very nice in one way but it can create a false sense of security – to say nothing of a very shallow dialogue! Nothing ever improves because nothing is properly discussed. Misunderstandings multiply because no exchanges are entirely honest.....well i guess that is life...ha?
Of course, if our expectations are unreasonable, they can never be met. Everyone knows that, don't they? Well, everyone may know it but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is true!!! Is it now!???? There are many myths and misconceptions that the inhabitants of this planet cling to with great faith....Many subscribe to the notion that it is best to cut your coat according to your cloth and to work within your limitations.
In conjunction with that...a close friend of mine is under the illusion that Anything is possible... in fact...she claims she has empirical evidence to prove...on the other hand i can give her empirical evidence contradictory to her believe...any how...she seems to win...once my mind bares the question.....Should that last sentence read, "Anything within reason?"....or No! Perhaps she is right and I should be more ambitious?!

Sunday, May 11, 2003

If a situation makes us uncomfortable, it usually seems easier to ignore it than to deal with it. We figure that if we just grit our teeth and put up with things, they will change of their own accord. Or we just decide to do our best to accept things. Often we find that we can put up with an awful lot, as long as we somehow find a way to push it to the back of our mind. Well ..I do anyway! Yet, whenever I try to kid myself about anything, I compromise the ability to recognise reality. That’s never good. Sometimes iI have to give this putting away business a break and have a look at what’s been swept under the carpet.

You know when you find life frustrating. And when dreams just don’t seem to come true, and hopes get raised, then cruelly dashed. After a while, you are suppose to grow wise or so, at least, I think. Then you start lowering your standards. Expecting less. Protecting yurself from disappointment by setting only the most modest aspirations.

But then you wake is Like a rubber ball, you keep bouncing back. And hope that every so often, you score big...and hope for chance to work some very real magic.