Thursday, August 14, 2003

Tomorrow can never come. As soon as one today ends, another begins. Tomorrow's arrival is thus forever shifted back by a further 24 hours. Tomorrow though, is determined to make contact with us somehow so it employs a form of subterfuge. Rather than wait for some mythical point in the future, it sneaks into our lives, dressed in the clothes of today. It pretends to be a part of our current agenda. By the time we see where it is taking us, it is often too late. Well on the look out, for tomorrow, I am thinking what if it never comes?

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

None of us like loose endings. We prefer things to be neatly tied up and sorted out. That's why some of us enjoy reading or writing fiction. In storybooks, you can have that sense of completeness. In real life? Well, there's always going to be unfinished business of some sort, somewhere. You can't expect everything to suddenly start making perfect sense.
Many people have long memories and short tempers. For me, it's not a case of once bitten, twice shy. It is more that, once I have been bitten, I am forever ready to bite right back at anything that remotely reminds me of those offending teeth. Attack, I tend to feel, is usually the best form of defence. Often, that is very true too. What though, if I am in a safe position? I normally feel as though I have got a titanium shell and I only face a toothless monster with a weak jaw, so I might as well relax, but contrary to that position; It is now as if I am walking on a narrow path at the top of some great cliff. To one side, there's an impenetrable wall. To the other, a breathtaking drop to the sea far below. So... how safe should I feel? How scared should I be?
Insofar as I am fully aware of a particular danger, How could I ever have any reason to relax? I am terrified of taking a silly risk or forget to watch my footing. I guess it is only natural that the existence of a potential problem is providing me with a constant reminder of the need for caution. But should I be glad for the tension I feel? Would I have any reason to believe that everything is going to be ok and I can stop to worry!?
Some beliefs are easy and convenient. Others require conscious, constant renewal. We can't though, use this as a basis for deciding that one belief is more likely to be true than another. Indeed, we can't reliably employ any technique to assess the validity of a belief. We just have to believe what we believe - and then believe whatever we want to believe about whatever anyone else believes!

Sunday, August 10, 2003

What are the first signs..symptoms...whatever... of a nervous break down???
If it's not one thing, it's another. This though, surely comes as no surprise to me. It has always been thus. The world is full of people who just can't leave well alone. For some strange reason, they all seem to have my phone number. (seem to know where I live too...well it is inevitable when sometimes those peoples could be as close as!) How much easier life would be if only I didn't have to deal with all those idiots. Yet, how much more boring too. Exasperating developments make life interesting. Er... don't they? It seems like I may need to remind myself, , that chaos has a purpose and that stupidity can sometimes lead to serendipity. I remeber someone once said to me; 'There will be moments when you find yourself almost unable to believe what's happening. But as long as you can relinquish your desire for reasonable explanations you will find things work out surprisingly well'...I am very tempted to finish off with my usual walk away clause 'blah blah blah'...but the more I think about it...the more it is making sense...damn he maybe onto something with this advise...umm!