Monday, April 07, 2003

After a very busy birthday weekend where i didn't really have time to be grumpy or miserable about my age, I dragged myself out of bed this morning, feeling exhausted and not quite 100%. The journey to work was too cold for April and the Metro had all this clips about the war and Sars and got me into a right state!!!!
What if the Iraq War turns into World War III? What if the doctors can’t cure or control the new respiratory syndrome, apparently emanating from Hong Kong and China? What if the stock market crashes and we all lose our jobs? And our homes? What if global warming causes the seas to rise till there’s no land to live on? What if... well, I don’t suppose I need to go on really, do I? If you add all those what-ifs to the more personal ‘worst case scenarios’ I keep considering, you can see why I feel so edgy.
I suppose I could also ask the question : What if it all turns out to be fine?.....ya right!!!!

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