Saturday, April 19, 2003

Some people say, "Don't sweat the small stuff." Others disagree. They say, "Little things count for a lot." To someone else, my current drama might look trivial. But from where I am standing, it seems like a very big deal. And how can any one ever really say what matters and what doesn't. If something is important to me now, it is important and I don't have to justify myself nor do I need to apologise for experiencing a perfectly reasonable reaction.

Have you ever started to feel like an arrow that is about to be fired by someone else’s bow? where you suspect you are being used as a pawn in a greater game!. And you feel a sense of the inevitable about what is happening, yet you are not sure whether you are happy with it, and you wonder whether you can turn back time? Can you stop what has already started? Can you Ignore criticism and suppress doubt? Go with the flow?, even if you are not yet quite sure where that flow is actually going?.
My Dad always says; you are never too sure of anything until it surprises you! But are there really such things as happy surprises?....

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