Saturday, May 31, 2003

People have a love/hate relationship with change. Some claim to want it, but resist it when it actually arrives. Others insist they are happy with everything just as it is. Secretly though, they are always planning revolutions. Change is rather like beer or blue cheese. More often than not, we must learn to like it. It grows on us slowly. Yet after a while, we develop an addiction. A return to the old way seems unthinkable. We just want more and more of the new. Bearing all this in mind, we can look at the dramas and disappointments that unfolds around us. To answer the question, "Is there a problem?"...perhaps the best fit answer would be "Only if you think there is! Only if you can't see round the next corner to the corner beyond."... The journey we embark can be the one we will never regret making! or the complete opposite...but i guess life is all about taking risks after all!

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