Sunday, August 03, 2003

No point in pretending that things are ideal - or almost ideal. A little tweak, here or there, in some slightly-flawed situation, is not going to sort me out. There's something more basic and fundamental amiss. That's the bad news.

I really feel I am facing a race against time...There are certain ways in which I maybe able to reduce the pressure I feel now - and I should employ them all!... Maybe self-imposed deadlines can and should be reviewed. I have enough on my plate just dealing with the tasks which are universally accepted as urgent…focusing on your MBA...getting on the right track with career...clearing your issues with your bank manager (we seem to need to resolve some issues and maybe our differences...just because I have no money in my bank account doesn’t mean he has to go ahead and put an stop on my credit card now is it!! :P )

I need to be superhuman to achieve a flawless result in a situation like the one I now face. So as you can see there doesn't seem to be any good news to give…

The good news could be that, I know...once I concede as much and become willing to instigate the appropriate major alterations, I will soon see what needs to be done. It may well involve hard work and compromise, but, at least, I will be truly constructive. And the progress that I make will benefit me for the rest of my days!....Discovery of the life time as u can see....

But that leads me to my usual...blah blah blah....

Some one read my fortune today...with one of those strange card game all started really good 'Your heart is stuck somewhere... (Delet pishe yeki gir kardeh!) ' ... and oh... 'look two hearts are really close together' ... and apparently there is something very crucial when there is an Ace of Clubs and an Ace of Hearts lined up...'But'...damn there is always a 'but'...'There is also a black jack guarding the heart'...woohoo...tell me something I don't know...according to my so called fortune teller...this is a very difficult task and would never come about and I better forget about it...duh!

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