Saturday, October 11, 2003

I got this as the response to the post on Thursday 2nd of October, thought it is interesting for you to read it too;

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Taylor
Sent: 10 October 2003 15:50
To: Nikoo
Subject: Re: Hello

Oh! I can see the problem. Tell your Mum that there are a lot of really good guys out there without a qualification to there name, but full of fire and ambition and passion, who would make ideal husbands/partners; and there are a lot of guys with PhDs who cannot live in the real world. That a marriage is made of complementary and compatible emotional and intellectual states, with a huge dose of really good friendship and a lot of patience and understanding.

These qualities are not determined by the apparent show of 'intelligence' determined by being able to say 'Ive got a PhD'.

You can tell her I said so. :p


>>> “Nikoo” 10/10/2003 12:44:31 >>>

No she doesn't want me to get a PhD...well she does kind of...but the
whole argument is about the guy I am going to marry (if ever)...which
according to her must have a PhD +....!!! :(


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Taylor
Sent: 10 October 2003 11:50
To: Nikoo
Subject: Re: Hello

Hi Missy.

Hope you are keeping well otherwise. Been to anymore European
cities/other travels? And how's the MBA? Is this what your Mum is
nagging about? Or does she want you to do even more PhD?


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