Saturday, October 04, 2003

We all need friends...Don't we? Without them, we would have nobody to criticise us, confuse us, help us waste time and give us dubious advice. Enemies, you see, just can't get close enough to create such trouble. I am now kind of starting to wonder what my friendships , particularly a friendship is all about. If a certain someone is truly on my side, they have a funny way of showing it. Perhaps time will prove me wrong and I will realise that I have worried for no reason...Perhaps at some point I will get some clarification and confirmation and understand much more about my friends behaviours... and maybe that will make me feel much better and learn how much key relationship really means...may be I will be able to distinguish between the real things...with time!

They say, 'Patience is a virtue', as if they are trying to sell the stuff to us. It is not, though, some optional lifestyle accessory. It is a screaming necessity. Without it, we can achieve very little and enjoy even less. Besides which, if they really want to convince us of its desirability, they should describe it as a vice. Ultimately, we are all much more attracted to what's naughty than we are to what's good for us. Maybe I shouldn't worry, perhaps there really is no great need to make some enormous effort. Perhapas I should just wait and what I need will come to me...!!! ya right! ha!

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