Monday, June 23, 2003

We all hate to feel that we have been ripped off or taken for a ride. If we even so much as suspect that someone is trying to pull a fast one on us, our hackles rise. Our greatest enemy of all, though, is an inner thief. When we allow a voice from within our own mind to tell us that we have no right to be happy; or that we have to pay a heavy price for security - or that life is supposed to be hard and heavy, we really rob ourselves blind. I am tempted today, to indulge a pointless emotion. The question is whether I should guard against that notion? Do I need to try and not take anything away from my own entitlement to be happy!?

Inspiration is rude and badly behaved. It strides boldly into our life without knocking and, once it forces its way into our mind, it acts as if it owns the place. Then, when it feels inclined to depart, it just vanishes without so much as a by-your-leave. It won't though, ever come when we call for it. This elusive force gets away with such outrageous activity because it knows that it is always welcome. Perhaps if I want it to stick around when it shows its face next time, I should try not to criticise it and be open to accepting it!!?

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