Saturday, June 28, 2003

We don't say what we ought to say. We say what we think we ought to say. Then we wonder why nobody understands us. And, of course, because others are equally coy about their own deepest truths, we end up knowing little about the folk we are supposed to be closest to. Even when we really try to bare our souls, we experience great difficulty. We are not used to being honest. We don't know how to find the right words. And we often, rightly, suspect that our statements are not likely to be welcomed. Why rock all those boats, when it is so much easier just to leave the sleeping dogs alone.

We just can't help ourselves. We want everything to work and to feel just great. The problem with that is this. Planet Earth is full of things that look fantastic. Glorious trees. Stunning skies. Awesome oceans. Majestic mountains. We look at nature's rich abundance and feel sure that as we are also 'natural', we must posses that same capacity to shine. Then we look at the reality of our situation and realise that, somehow, it is not so simple. When faced with the car that needs mending, the bill that needs paying, the job that needs doing or the problem that needs solving, our belief in magic soon slips away. Yet deep within , there remains a divine spark, that somehow is waiting to ignite a flame of immense fulfilment.

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