Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Why do people go to such lengths to make life difficult for themselves? Could it be that secretly none of us likes life to be too easy? Challenge excites us. Drama gives us energy. When things are OK, we don't have anywhere near so much to think about. And thus we become more easily bored. When we are bored, we become agitated and irritated or we start to make very dubious decisions based on carelessness or complacency. Then, unsurprisingly, things go wrong and we have a new difficulty to wrestle with....Ummm ....must pardon me...Having seen the person I am trying to avoid three days in a row with no choice has kind of given me the inclination that perhaps we play a big part in creating difficulties....the point is we are not looking to do so...it just so happens...I shall stop letting my mind wonder off...but it is as though I am approaching the most comfortable point of this cycle...I feel much more relaxed...may be I should just enjoy it while it lasts.

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