Sunday, March 07, 2004

Perhaps it is true that I am a creature of instinct and I am proud of this. But I do sometimes feel slightly ashamed of my impulsive nature. I see the 'mistakes' it has caused and suspect I should be more restrained. But wouldn’t that be so if only I desire a dull life? Perhaps then I may just attain this level of caution. But, for me, existence without adventure isn't up to much. I may be in risky territory but I don’t feel I am in any danger. I do sometimes wonder though that what is it I am after, after all….but I do know that it is not re-assurance I want… It's a reward. Or at least, some hard evidence that points to an imminent increase in my sense of 'measurable stability'. There comes a time when words lose meaning. Phrases, no matter how sensitively constructed, are just sounds, hanging in the air. We sometimes, at least, need to be able to touch, taste and feel our sources of security. And sometimes, it's good to feel determined to accept no substitute…I don’t know…is it re-assurance I am after?

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