Monday, January 05, 2004

"Reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction." ...Kahlil Gibran's observation points the way to the decision that must be reached between now and the end of the first full week of the New Year. I may not be able to reconcile the difference between what I feel and what I think but nor must I allow one force to triumph over the other...My heart and head must each have their say...

As I attempt to broker a compromise between these vastly different forces, I try hard to remind myself that it doesn't matter how beautifully I embellish a picture or decorate a house.... If the basic outline is not easy on the eye, or the fundamental structure is flawed, I am never going to compensate by fiddling with the superficial detail... As with art or architecture, so with life.... perhaps I need to pare away the complication from a situation or relationship so I can see it for what it actually is, adjust it as necessary, and then decide what else it needs. One of my lecturer's once said: " Once you have simplicity, you'll also have agreement between many of the crap in your thesis that now appear to conflict with one another".....well you might think it is irrelevant and thinking what a load of jibberish...but hey...all I am saying is that perhaps once I have simplicity and stop complicating things then I can perhaps find the balance between my head and my heart....if I can find any of them!!!!!

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