Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Smile and the world smiles with you. ...Cry and you cry alone.... Or so they say. Actually though, people are much more sensitive to the emotions of others than most of us ever realise. Just as we tend to yawn when we see strangers yawning in the street, we get grouchy when we encounter bad tempered characters... and when we come across folk who are putting out charming, cheerful or even sexy 'vibes' we find ourselves responding in kind....(not that, that's ever happened to me of course!)... all I am saying is that moods can be influenced by other people...or particular people in our life... and in turn surely we are making an impact on certain other individuals in our vicinity.... so perhaps we need to bare that in mind and resolve to pass on only what we truly want to share! .....I try to look for something to go by...something to make me smile......something on the look out for the new year.... my finances may be far from ideal and there may well be no magic wand I can wave to improve them... I am not where I want to be....I am not with whom I want to be....home office can't decide whether I can have my passport back...I can't be bothered to do my project....don't feel like studying for exams....what is the point...can't be bothered with looking for jobs....have become crap at interviews plans have all gone wrong....and yes once is just happening around me without slightest effort from me......But surely there's certainly an improvement I can set in motion.....surely there is light at the end of the tunnel....or is this one of those tunnels that doesn't ever end...!!! How long does one wait....patience is a virtue...right....but how much patience........? am I the victim of circumstances....?

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