Monday, January 05, 2004

Two transatlantic flights were cancelled, just before the weekend, ( and many more today...if I haven't got my BBC and CNN crossed)...due to a terrorist threat. A lot of travellers were inconvenienced. And nothing happened. So maybe it was all in vain. Or maybe not. Life's wisest, smartest moves and choices don't always bring show stopping, obvious results. Often, we never get to see the disaster that might have ensued if only we had taken a sillier route from one place to another. We live in blissful ignorance of narrow escapes and near misses. Sometimes we find ourselves working in the realm of invisible influence. We can't be sure that our big hunch is a good one... but nor can we ignore it...and know that somehow we are going to have to act on it, regardless of how perceptible the consequences turn out to be...That's good...isn't it? ...I sound like I am acting on a psychic tip off... I've only got a nudge, a wink, or a half heard hint to go on... but cut me some slack here I am honouring it with respect.... And as always when I head further down this controversial but clever road ( heading down litrally...not trip over if I am lucky!) , I feel far stronger and better ( as you do when everything around you goes the wrong way!) ... regardless of whether I ever get 'proof positive' that I did the right thing...after all I love a good challenge don't I???!!!!!

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